The Leftover Pieces; Suicide Loss Conversations

A Dads Roundtable Discussion; Three Dads talk Grief, Loss & Feelings

Season 4 Episode 30

Today we have the next installment of the roundtable series that I am doing this season. Today i share a unique conversation with three dads who all lost their sons to suicide. You will meet John Twomey who lost his son C.J. thirteen years ago, Tom C. who lost his son Nick two years ago and also Corey D. who lost his son Christopher 9 months ago. They were all a bit nervous and reserved going in, but you hear them relax and open up as the conversation expands and connection is made. 

We are still losing young men to suicide 75% more often than young women. Men need to stop "manning-up" and start opening up. These men set an amazing example of how it can be done. This conversation is one we need more of - discussions with men and for men about mental health, suicide & feelings in general. #dadsgrievetoo

Just some of what we discuss today: 

  • Each of their amazing kids
  • How they handled their emotions - then and now
  • How have their relationships been affected... all of them
  • In their opinion, how do we start to bridge the mental health gap and talking when you need help with young men.
  • Any advice they have for dads listening.

No matter what place in their grief they are, they all share how it doesn't get easier and there's even a few surprises in store in this episode as it wraps up. This episode took me out of my own comfort zone a bit and I definitely learned a lot from these brave men.   


My WEBSITE "The Leftover Pieces; Rebuilding You" support central - MY HUB - and that means my different SUPPORT GROUP Options are available.  I work to meet the needs of the three main things all moms say they need after the loss of their child by suicide - resources (at the time of loss and beyond), a community of connection that 'gets it' and a way to ensure that their child leaves an enduring legacy in this world!

For resources go to my Resource Page HERE

For Community, go t my Support Page HERE where you will find ALL of the ways to connect and find support.

For a way to leave a Legacy of your child - GO HERE

The latest Legacy project is NOW published as a BOOK --

ALSO, my first two books (tools I have created for you!) in the "Facing Life After Suicide" series are available on Amazon

If you, or someone you know, is struggling  with suicidal thoughts PLEASE reach out:
CALL 988   OR, you can also TEXT the word "HOME" to 741741 in the USA
in Canada TEXT 686868
in the UK TEXT 85258

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