The Leftover Pieces; Suicide Loss Conversations

Being "That' (Whispered About) Person; Discussion & Tools

August 01, 2021 Season 2 Episode 8

Today, I go "Down the Rabbit Hole" to talk about a topic that is NOT new to me -- in some form I have been living with this since losing Alex nearly 5 years ago.  Unless you have not left your house yet, I am certain that you too have experienced some form of this isolating feeling that comes when you start to interact with people and they bring up children … or mental health … or look at you with that look and say "how ARE you?"  Or "I just don't think I could do this, you are so strong".... OR (Fill in the blank)  … you  even start to anticipate it before it happens. You feel like you are the one to avoid in the room ... ETC!!! Right??? How to cope!!??

As child (suicide) loss survivors we find that going out into public, or social circles, now creates more stress, where it once relieved stress to go out, see friends, be social. Not now, right?  Even in leaving said event - we now carry the fact that once we have exited the space, the people left undoubtedly often talk about us in hushed tones -- "she's the one who lost her son to suicide"  or "do you think she's 'coping' or ' doing ok' or … ???

We TRY to not let it bother us, but it DOES,  It is emotionally exhausting, and very isolating. So, how do we not let it hurt our healing or set us backward. How do we cope IN THE MOMENT?

I discuss this and also offer a tool (or two) that you may want to try that I believe will help. It can (& does) get better with time, but it takes work. AND somethings will just never be the same - and accepting that is just part of it too.  

 THANK YOU for listening, it means more than I can say.  Sending so much love & peace to you all!

HERE is a good article from a website called Complex Trauma Resources that explains top-down,  bottom-up & even side-door approaches to trauma healing. I think you will see why I gravitate toward the latter two.

This journey is SO HARD my friends, but you can do it, we can do it- together!

As with everything you hear on my podcasts, please take that which serves you & leave the rest. I hope you will find something of value & I am so sorry that you need to be here, but so honored you are here. Talk soon!


Please reach out to me if you know of someone that I should talk to or if you yourself would like to have a conversation around the suicide loss and grief space. Instagram is probably still the best way to contact me or directly through email. I am already scheduling people into this Spring so it's not too soon to reach out!

Let's have a conversation  Let's keep talking   Let's be there for each other.  Let's make a change.

If you or someone you know is struggling  with suicidal thoughts PLEASE reach out & talk to someone
The National Suicide Lifeline is there for you

IN a crisis you can also TEXT--->
TEXT the word "HOME" to 741741 in the USA
in Canada TEXT 686868
in the UK TEXT 85258

And Grievers, I am always here. You can find me on Instagram at The Leftover Pieces

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